From WRIL -
In further response to a video taken by a passerby, and numerous messages and reports, of a Cumberland City police officer being stopped in Harlan by Kentucky State Police Troopers, WRIL has reached out to, and received responses from several agencies in regard to the stop.
We have contacted Chief Deputy Jailer Derrick Moore at Harlan County Detention Center who reported that around 3:10pm on Thursday, January 9, 2020 he called Kentucky State Police Post 10 to make a report. It was in regard to Cumberland Assistant Police Chief Kenny Ray Raleigh appearing “under the influence and smelled of alcohol.” Moore goes on to tell us that the staff was worried about Raleigh putting lives in danger driving back to the city of Cumberland.
Raleigh left the detention center at approximately 3:25pm which is around the time that schools were dismissing for the day.
Kentucky State Trooper Shane Jacobs states that at the traffic stop, Raleigh was administered a breathalyzer test and he blew under legal limit of .08 bac. Trooper Jacobs states that Raleigh was also given standard field sobriety tests which he passed.
We do know that Raleigh was not permitted to drive the vehicle back to the city and that a Cumberland staff member came to the scene and picked him and the vehicle up for the drive back.
We have reached out to Mayor Charles Raleigh brother of Kenny Ray. Mayor Raleigh tells us in a message that he cannot comment on personnel issues and that he has sent our questions about suspension on to the city attorney and “if given permission” he will gladly answer. We have left a message with city attorney Karen Davenport but have no received a response yet.
While no arrest took place, WRIL has learned that Kenny Ray Raleigh was placed on a two week suspension by Mayor Raleigh - according to the mayor.
***Mayor Raleigh contacted WRIL, disputed our coverage, and took issue with our statement in regard to the suspension. The mayor stated that HE had the sole power to suspend Kenny Ray not Chief of Police Williamson. The Kentucky Revised Statutes do state that the chief had the power to suspend, but Mr. Raleigh states it was his decision, not as we initially reported of the chief suspending Raleigh.
We will continue our coverage regarding this incident.